We need 50. Become an IFF member today!

38/50 members have signed up so far


How can we help you by becoming a member?

IFF fights for everyday Indians like you. It only makes sense that we are funded by you as well. Today, we have 176 members who signed up and provide us support on a monthly basis. So, when a court or a regulator asks who funds IFF and who we represent, we answer emphatically, "the people of India!". This is why we follow a unique membership model which starts as low as Rs. 100 per month upto Rs. 1,500 per month.

Today we need to grow this number of members. This is needed so we can not only meet our daily expenses but cause greater impact. Only over the last month, despite the lockdown we have gone to court for internet access, worked collaboratively to ensure important victories on Aarogya Setu. All of this impact is because of our members. So in order to grow this impact sustainably, we require a stable source of income every month.

So help us retain our autonomy, transparency and independence. It will give our team confidence to continue our work fearlessly, with a sense of security. Adding 50 more members will make a big impact on our finances and will help us go a long way!

If you like the work we do, please consider becoming a member. If you're already a member, share what made you join the fight. Ask your friends and family to join you! Fund digital rights. Fund IFF.


Where are your financial transparency reports?

We believe in radical transparency and feel a sense of accountability towards all our donors. We want you to know what you're funding. Here are our reports:
Quaterly Calls with Members

How else can I help?

We need all hands on deck. If you are an individual or organisation that is interested in our work, reach out to us. Join the Internet Freedom Forum and interact directly with the IFF staff and leadership. Get involved in sustained conversations on digital rights with the larger community. You can also write to us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

Donate to IFF

Help IFF scale up by making a donation for digital rights. Really, when it comes to free speech online, digital privacy, net neutrality and innovation — we got your back!