

Digital censorship in Punjab: internet shutdowns and account suspensions

Internet services in Punjab were shut down from March 18 till March 21 (in some districts till March 24). Reportedly, around 120 twitter accounts were suspended/ withheld. We wrote to the Punjab government and MeitY raising concerns about the internet shutdown and withheld accounts, respectively.
31 March, 2023
4 min read

MeitY’s merry go round: Statement on blocking and unblocking(?) of apps by MeitY

MeitY has reportedly issued orders to block over 230 applications/ platforms, after receiving instructions from the Ministry of Home Affairs. MeitY hasn't yet furnished an official reasoning and justification for it. Read our full statement here.
10 February, 2023
6 min read

VideoLAN has issued a legal notice to DoT and MeitY for banning their website in India

VideoLAN’s URL from which users download the VLC Media Player appears to have been banned by the DoT in India since March 2021. This was done without any prior notice, or affording VideoLAN an opportunity of hearing, which is contrary to the Indian law.
04 October, 2022
4 min read

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